十一月 9, 2017
10月20日,FXTM富拓塞浦路斯办公室欢迎“最佳越南合作伙伴大赛”获胜者 David Vu先生来到美丽的塞浦路斯岛。
经过激烈角逐,David Vu在比赛中脱颖而出,战胜越南各地的其他富拓合作伙伴荣膺“优秀合作伙伴”头衔。本次比赛历经6月和7月,David Vu名至实归,获得旅行大奖!
10月20日,FXTM富拓塞浦路斯办公室欢迎“最佳越南合作伙伴大赛”获胜者 David Vu先生来到美丽的塞浦路斯岛。
经过激烈角逐,David Vu在比赛中脱颖而出,战胜越南各地的其他富拓合作伙伴荣膺“优秀合作伙伴”头衔。本次比赛历经6月和7月,David Vu名至实归,获得旅行大奖!
As per the the latest regulations issued by KNF, the registration process to be a partner has been altered for Polish residents. Now, Polish residents need to be exclusive Tied Agents. Please contact us via email or Live Chat and we'll assist you with any enquiries.
As per FCMC regulations, the registration process for Latvian partners has been altered. Partners residing in Latvia are now required to be exclusive Tied Agents. For clarification or questions about this requirement, please contact us via email or live chat.